Getting an API token

The Arvados API token is a secret key that enables the Arvados command line tools to authenticate themselves.

Access the Arvados Workbench using this link: (Replace the hostname portion with the hostname of your local Arvados instance if necessary.)

Open a shell on the system where you want to use the Arvados client. This may be your local workstation, or an Arvados virtual machine accessed with Webshell or SSH (instructions for Unix or Windows).

In the Arvados Workbench, click on the dropdown menu icon in the upper right corner of the top navigation menu to access the user settings menu, and click on the menu item Current token, which lists your current token and instructions to set up your environment.

Setting environment variables

The Current token page, accessed using the dropdown menu icon in the upper right corner of the top navigation menu, includes a command you may copy and paste directly into the shell. It will look something as the following.

export ARVADOS_API_TOKEN=2jv9346o396exampledonotuseexampledonotuseexes7j1ld
  • The export command puts a local shell variable into the environment that will be inherited by child processes such as the arv client.


Arvados tools will also look for the authentication information in ~/.config/arvados/settings.conf. If you have already put the variables into the environment following the instructions above, you can use these commands to create an Arvados configuration file:

$ echo "ARVADOS_API_HOST=$ARVADOS_API_HOST" > ~/.config/arvados/settings.conf
$ echo "ARVADOS_API_TOKEN=$ARVADOS_API_TOKEN" >> ~/.config/arvados/settings.conf


Alternately, you may add the declarations of ARVADOS_API_HOST and ARVADOS_API_TOKEN to the ~/.bashrc file on the system on which you intend to use the Arvados client. If you have already put the variables into the environment following the instructions above, you can use these commands to append the environment variables to your ~/.bashrc:

$ echo "export ARVADOS_API_HOST=$ARVADOS_API_HOST" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "export ARVADOS_API_TOKEN=$ARVADOS_API_TOKEN" >> ~/.bashrc

Previous: Checking your environment Next: Uploading data

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