Installation options


This section is about installing an Arvados cluster. If you are just looking to install Arvados client tools and libraries, go to the SDK section.

Arvados components run on GNU/Linux systems, and supports AWS, GCP and Azure cloud platforms as well as on-premises installs. Arvados supports Debian and derivatives such as Ubuntu, as well as Red Hat and derivatives such as CentOS. Arvados is Free Software and self-install installations are not limited in any way. Commercial support and development are also available from Curii Corporation.

Arvados components can be installed and configured in a number of different ways.

Appropriate for
Ease of setup Multiuser/networked access Workflow Development and Testing Large Scale Production Development of Arvados Arvados Evaluation
Arvados-in-a-box (arvbox) Easy no yes no yes yes
Arvados on Kubernetes Easy 1 yes yes 2 no 2 no yes
Manual installation Complicated yes yes yes no no
Cluster Operation Subscription supported by Curii N/A 3 yes yes yes yes yes
  • 1 Assumes a Kubernetes cluster is available
  • 2 Arvados on Kubernetes is under development and not yet ready for production use
  • 3 No user installation necessary, Curii run and managed

Next: Arvados-in-a-box

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