Setting up Google auth

In order to use Google for authentication, you must use the Google Developers Console to create a set of client credentials.

  1. Go to the Google Developers Console and select or create a project; this will take you to the project page.
  2. Click on + Enable APIs and Services
    1. Search for People API and click on Enable API.
  3. Navigate back to the main “APIs & Services” page
  4. On the sidebar, click on OAuth consent screen
    1. On consent screen settings, enter your identifying details
    2. Under Authorized domains add
    3. Click on Save.
  5. On the sidebar, click on Credentials; then click on Create credentialsOAuth Client ID
  6. Under Application type select Web application.
  7. You must set the authorization origins. Edit to the appropriate hostname that you will use to access the SSO service:
    1. JavaScript origin should be (using Arvados-controller based login) or (for the SSO server)
    2. Redirect URI should be (using Arvados-controller based login) or (for the SSO server)
  8. Copy the values of Client ID and Client secret from the Google Developers Console and add them to the appropriate configuration.

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