Arvados on Kubernetes

Arvados on Kubernetes is implemented as a Helm 3 chart.


This Helm chart does not retain any state after it is deleted. An Arvados cluster created with this Helm chart is entirely ephemeral, and all data stored on the cluster will be deleted when it is shut down. This will be fixed in a future version.


This Helm chart provides a basic, small Arvados cluster.

Current limitations, to be addressed in the future:

  • An Arvados cluster created with this Helm chart is entirely ephemeral, and all data stored on the cluster will be deleted when it is shut down.
  • No dynamic scaling of compute nodes (but you can adjust values.yaml and reload the Helm chart)
  • All compute nodes are the same size
  • Compute nodes have no cpu/memory/disk constraints yet
  • No git server


  • Minikube or Google Kubernetes Engine (Kubernetes 1.10+ with at least 3 nodes, 2+ cores per node)
  • kubectl and Helm 3 installed locally, and able to connect to your Kubernetes cluster

Please refer to Arvados on Minikube or Arvados on GKE for detailed installation instructions.

Previous: Arvados-in-a-box Next: Arvados on Minikube

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