Keep collection lifecycle

During it’s lifetime, a keep collection can be in various states. These states are persisted, expiring, trashed and permanently deleted.

A collection is expiring when it has a trash_at time in the future. An expiring collection can be accessed as normal, but is scheduled to be trashed automatically at the trash_at time.

A collection is trashed when it has a trash_at time in the past. The is_trashed attribute will also be “true”. The delete operation immediately puts the collection in the trash by setting the trash_at time to “now”. Once trashed, the collection is no longer readable through normal data access APIs. The collection will have delete_at set to some time in the future. The trashed collection is recoverable until the delete_at time passes, at which point the collection is permanently deleted.

  1. Collection lifecycle attributes
  2. Deleting / trashing collections
  3. Recovering trashed collections


This tutorial assumes that you are logged into an Arvados VM instance (instructions for Webshell or Unix or Windows) or you have installed the Arvados FUSE Driver and Python SDK on your workstation and have a working environment.

Collection lifecycle attributes

As listed above the attributes that are used to manage a collection lifecycle are it’s is_trashed, trash_at, and delete_at. The table below lists the values of these attributes and how they influence the state of a collection and it’s accessibility.

collection state is_trashed trash_at delete_at get list list?include_trash=true can be modified
persisted collection false null null yes yes yes yes
expiring collection false future future yes yes yes yes
trashed collection true past future no no yes only is_trashed, trash_at and delete_at attribtues
deleted collection true past past no no no no

Deleting / trashing collections

A collection can be deleted using either the arv command line tool or the workbench.

Trashing a collection using arv command line tool

arv collection delete --uuid=qr1hi-4zz18-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Trashing a collection using workbench

To trash a collection using workbench, go to the Data collections tab in the project, and use the trash icon for this collection row.

Recovering trashed collections

A collection can be un-trashed / recovered using either the arv command line tool or the workbench.

Un-trashing a collection using arv command line tool

You can list the trashed collections using the list command.

arv collection list --include-trash=true --filters '[["is_trashed", "=", "true"]]'

You can then untrash a particular collection using arv using it’s uuid.

arv collection untrash --uuid=qr1hi-4zz18-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Un-trashing a collection using workbench

To untrash a collection using workbench, go to trash page on workbench by clicking on the “Trash” icon in the top navigation in workbench and use the recycle icon or selection dropdown option.

Previous: How Keep works Next: Using arv-copy

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