Scripts provided by Arvados


Arvados pipeline templates are deprecated. The recommended way to develop new workflows for Arvados is using the Common Workflow Language.

Several crunch scripts are included with Arvados in the /crunch_scripts directory. They are intended to provide examples and starting points for writing your own scripts.


Run the bwa aligner on a set of paired-end fastq files, producing a BAM file for each pair. View source.

Parameter Description Example
bwa_tbz Collection with the bwa source distribution. 8b6e2c4916133e1d859c9e812861ce13+70
samtools_tgz Collection with the samtools source distribution. c777e23cf13e5d5906abfdc08d84bfdb+74
input Collection with fastq reads (pairs of *_1.fastq.gz and *_2.fastq.gz). d0136bc494c21f79fc1b6a390561e6cb+2778


Generate an index of a fasta reference genome suitable for use by bwa-aln. View source.

Parameter Description Example
bwa_tbz Collection with the bwa source distribution. 8b6e2c4916133e1d859c9e812861ce13+70
input Collection with reference data (*.fasta.gz, *.fasta.fai.gz, *.dict.gz). c361dbf46ee3397b0958802b346e9b5a+925


Using the FixMateInformation, SortSam, ReorderSam, AddOrReplaceReadGroups, and BuildBamIndex modules from picard, prepare a BAM file for use with the GATK2 tools. Additionally, run picard’s CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics module to produce a *.casm.tsv statistics file for each BAM file. View source.

Parameter Description Example
input Collection containing aligned bam files.
picard_zip Collection with the picard binary distribution. 687f74675c6a0e925dec619cc2bec25f+77
reference Collection with reference data (*.fasta.gz, *.fasta.fai.gz, *.dict.gz). c361dbf46ee3397b0958802b346e9b5a+925


Run GATK’s RealignerTargetCreator and IndelRealigner modules on a set of BAM files. View source.

Parameter Description Example
input Collection containing aligned bam files.
picard_zip Collection with the picard binary distribution. 687f74675c6a0e925dec619cc2bec25f+77
gatk_tbz Collection with the GATK2 binary distribution. 7e0a277d6d2353678a11f56bab3b13f2+87
gatk_bundle Collection with the GATK data bundle. d237a90bae3870b3b033aea1e99de4a9+10820
known_sites List of files in the data bundle to use as GATK -known arguments. Optional. ["dbsnp_137.b37.vcf","Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.b37.vcf"] (this is the default value)
regions Collection with .bed files indicating sequencing target regions. Optional.
region_padding Corresponds to GATK --interval_padding argument. Required if a regions parameter is given. 10


Run GATK’s BaseQualityScoreRecalibration module on a set of BAM files. View source.

Parameter Description Example
input Collection containing bam files.
gatk_tbz Collection with the GATK2 binary distribution. 7e0a277d6d2353678a11f56bab3b13f2+87
gatk_bundle Collection with the GATK data bundle. d237a90bae3870b3b033aea1e99de4a9+10820


Merge a set of BAM files using picard, and run GATK’s UnifiedGenotyper module on the merged set to produce a VCF file. View source.

Parameter Description Example
input Collection containing bam files.
picard_zip Collection with the picard binary distribution. 687f74675c6a0e925dec619cc2bec25f+77
gatk_tbz Collection with the GATK2 binary distribution. 7e0a277d6d2353678a11f56bab3b13f2+87
gatk_bundle Collection with the GATK data bundle. d237a90bae3870b3b033aea1e99de4a9+10820
regions Collection with .bed files indicating sequencing target regions. Optional.
region_padding Corresponds to GATK --interval_padding argument. Required if a regions parameter is given. 10


Pass through the named files from input to output collection, and ignore the rest. View source.

Parameter Description Example
names List of filenames to include in the output. ["human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz","human_g1k_v37.fasta.fai.gz"]

Previous: Pipeline template reference Next: Querying the Metadata Database

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