Trashing and untrashing data

Collections have a sophisticated data lifecycle, which is documented in the architecture guide at Collection lifecycle.

Arvados supports trashing (deletion) of collections. For a period of time after a collection is trashed, it can be “untrashed”. After that period, the collection is permanently deleted, though there may still be ways to recover the data, see Recovering data in the admin guide for more details.

  1. Trashing (deleting) collections
  2. Recovering trashed collections


This tutorial assumes that you have access to Arvados command line tools, configured your API token, and confirmed a working environment.

Trashing (deleting) collections

A collection can be trashed using workbench or the arv command line tool.

Trashing a collection using Workbench

To trash a collection using Workbench, open the ︙ action menu for the collection, and select Move to trash. You can do this from the collection page directly, or from the project listing that contains the collection.

Trashing a collection using arv command line tool

arv collection delete --uuid=zzzzz-4zz18-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Recovering trashed collections

A collection can be untrashed / recovered using workbench or the arv command line tool.

Untrashing a collection using Workbench

To untrash a collection using Workbench, open the Trash page from the left navigation menu. For each collection in this listing, you can press the Restore button on the far right to untrash it. You can also open a collection to review its contents. From that collection page, you can open the ︙ action menu and select Restore to untrash the collection.

Untrashing a collection using arv command line tool

You can list the trashed collections using the list command.

arv collection list --include-trash=true --filters '[["is_trashed", "=", "true"]]'

You can then untrash a particular collection using arv using it’s uuid.

arv collection untrash --uuid=zzzzz-4zz18-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The architecture section has a more detailed description of the data lifecycle in Keep.

Previous: Downloading data Next: Using arv-copy

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