Arvados package repositories

On any host where you install Arvados software, you’ll need to add the Arvados package repository. They’re available for several popular distributions.


Packages are available for CentOS 7. To install them with yum, save this configuration block in /etc/yum.repos.d/arvados.repo:


The Arvados signing key fingerprint is

pub   rsa2048 2010-11-15 [SC]
      B2DA 2991 656E B4A5 0314  CA2B 5716 5911 1078 ECD7
uid           [ unknown] Arvados Automatic Signing Key 
sub   rsa2048 2010-11-15 [E]

Debian and Ubuntu

Packages are available for recent versions of Debian and Ubuntu.

First, register the Arvados signing key in apt’s database:

# apt-get --no-install-recommends install curl gnupg2
# curl -s -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/arvados.asc

The Arvados package signing GPG key is also available via the keyservers, though they can be unreliable. To retrieve the signing key via

# /usr/bin/apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 1078ECD7

The Arvados signing key fingerprint is

pub   rsa2048 2010-11-15 [SC]
      B2DA 2991 656E B4A5 0314  CA2B 5716 5911 1078 ECD7
uid           [ unknown] Arvados Automatic Signing Key 
sub   rsa2048 2010-11-15 [E]

As root, add the Arvados package repository to your sources. This command depends on your OS vendor and version:

OS version Command
Debian 10 (“buster”) echo "deb buster main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arvados.list
Ubuntu 20.04 (“focal”)1 echo "deb focal main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arvados.list
Ubuntu 18.04 (“bionic”)1 echo "deb bionic main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arvados.list


1 Arvados packages for Ubuntu may depend on third-party packages in Ubuntu’s “universe” repository. If you’re installing on Ubuntu, make sure you have the universe sources uncommented in /etc/apt/sources.list.

Retrieve the package list:

# apt-get update

Previous: Planning and prerequisites Next: Upgrading Arvados and Release notes

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