Create a Workflow by Composing Tools


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • What is the syntax of CWL?

  • What are the key components of a workflow?

  • Write a workflow based on the source shell script, making use of existing tool wrappers.

Source shell script

In this lesson, we will develop an initial workflow inspired by the following shell script.


# Based on

# This script takes a fastq file of RNA-Seq data, runs FastQC and outputs a counts file for it.
# USAGE: sh <name of fastq file>

set -e

# initialize a variable with an intuitive name to store the name of the input fastq file

# grab base of filename for naming outputs
base=`basename $fq .subset.fq`
echo "Sample name is $base"

# specify the number of cores to use

# directory with genome reference FASTA and index files + name of the gene annotation file

# make all of the output directories
# The -p option means mkdir will create the whole path if it
# does not exist and refrain from complaining if it does exist
mkdir -p rnaseq/results/fastqc
mkdir -p rnaseq/results/STAR
mkdir -p rnaseq/results/counts

# set up output filenames and locations

echo "Processing file $fq"

# Run FastQC and move output to the appropriate folder
fastqc $fq

# Run STAR
STAR --runThreadN $cores --genomeDir $genome --readFilesIn $fq --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --outSAMunmapped Within

# Create BAM index
samtools index $counts_input_bam

# Count mapped reads
featureCounts -T $cores -s 2 -a $gtf -o $counts $counts_input_bam

CWL Syntax

CWL documents are written using a format called “YAML”. Here is a crash-course in YAML:

Data fields are written with the name, followed by a colon :, a space, and then the value.

fieldName: value

The value is the remaining text to the end of the line.

Special characters in YAML include :, {, } [, ], #, ! and %. If your text begins with any of these characters, you must surround the string in single or double quotes.

fieldName: "#quoted-value"

You can write multi-line text by putting |- and writing an indented block. The leading whitespace will be removed from the actual value.

fieldName: |-
  This is a multi-
  line string.

Nested sections are indented:

  field1: value1
  field2: value2

Nested sections can also be wrapped in curly brackets. In this case, fields must be comma-separated.

section1: {field1: value1, field2, value2}

When each item is on its own line starting with a dash -, it is a list.

  - value1
  - value2

List can also be wrapped in square brackets. In this case, values must be comma-separated.

section2: [value1, value2]

Comments start with #.

# This is a comment about field3
field3: stuff

field4: stuff # This is a comment about field4

Finally, YAML is a superset of JSON. Valid JSON is also valid YAML, so you may sometimes see JSON format being used instead of YAML format for CWL documents.

Workflow header

Create a new file “main.cwl”

Let’s start with the header.

cwlVersion: v1.2
class: Workflow
label: RNAseq CWL practice workflow

Workflow Inputs

The purpose of a workflow is to consume some input parameters, run a series of steps, and produce output values.

For this analysis, the input parameters are the fastq file and the reference data required by STAR.

In the source shell script, the following variables are declared:

# initialize a variable with an intuitive name to store the name of the input fastq file

# directory with genome reference FASTA and index files + name of the gene annotation file

In CWL, we will declare these variables in the inputs section.

The inputs section lists each input parameter and its type. Valid types include File, Directory, string, boolean, int, and float.

In this case, the fastq and gene annotation file are individual files. The STAR index is a directory. We can describe these inputs in CWL like this:

  fq: File
  genome: Directory
  gtf: File

Workflow Steps

A workflow consists of one or more steps. This is the steps section.

Now we need to describe the first step of the workflow. In the source script, the first step is to run fastqc.

# Run FastQC and move output to the appropriate folder
fastqc $fq

A workflow step consists of the name of the step, the tool to run, the input parameters to be passed to the tool in in, and the output parameters expected from the tool in out.

The value of run references the tool file. The tool file describes how to run the tool (we will discuss how to write tool files in lesson 4). If we look in bio-cwl-tools (which you should have imported when setting up a practice repository in the initial setup instructions) we find bio-cwl-tools/fastqc/fastqc_2.cwl.

Next, the in block is mapping of input parameters to the tool and the workflow parameters that will be assigned to those inputs. We need to know what input parameters the tool accepts.

Let’s open up the tool file and take a look:

Find the inputs section of bio-cwl-tools/fastqc/fastqc_2.cwl:


      - File
      position: 50
    doc: |
      Input bam,sam,bam_mapped,sam_mapped or fastq file

Now we know we need to provide an input parameter called reads_file.

Next, the out section is a list of output parameters from the tool that will be used later in the workflow, or as workflow output. We need to know what output parameters the tool produces. Find the outputs section of bio-cwl-tools/fastqc/fastqc_2.cwl:


      - File
      glob: '*.zip'
      - File
      glob: '*.html'
      - File
      glob: |
          return "*/summary.txt";

Now we know to expect an output parameter called html_file.

Putting this all together, the fastq step consists of a run, in and out subsections, and looks like this:

    run: bio-cwl-tools/fastqc/fastqc_2.cwl
      reads_file: fq
    out: [html_file]

Running alignment with STAR

The next step is to run the STAR aligner.

# Run STAR
STAR --runThreadN $cores --genomeDir $genome --readFilesIn $fq --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --outSAMunmapped Within

We will go through the same process as the first section. We find there is bio-cwl-tools/STAR/STAR-Align.cwl. We will open the file and look at the inputs section to determine what input parameters correspond to the command line parmeters from our source script.


Look at STAR-Align.cwl and identify the input parameters that correspond to the command line arguments used in the source script: --runThreadN, --genomeDir, --outSAMtype, and --outSAMunmapped. Also identify the name of the output parameter.


  • --runThreadNRunThreadN
  • --genomeDirGenomeDir
  • --readFilesInForwardReads
  • --outSAMtypeOutSAMtype, SortedByCoordinate
  • --outSAMunmappedOutSAMunmapped

output parameter name: alignment

Command line flags

Command line flags generally appear appear in either the arguments field, or the prefix field of the inputBinding section of an input parameter declaration. For example, this section of STAR-Align.cwl tells us that the GenomeDir input parameter corresponds to the --genomeDir command line parameter.

    type: Directory
      prefix: "--genomeDir"

Default values

Sometimes we want to provide input values to a step without making them as workflow-level inputs. We can do this with {default: N}. For example:

     RunThreadN: {default: 4}


Using the input and output parameters identified in the previous exercise, write the run, in and out sections of the STAR step.


    run: bio-cwl-tools/STAR/STAR-Align.cwl
      RunThreadN: {default: 4}
      GenomeDir: genome
      ForwardReads: fq
      OutSAMtype: {default: BAM}
      SortedByCoordinate: {default: true}
      OutSAMunmapped: {default: Within}
    out: [alignment]

Running samtools

The third step is to generate an index for the aligned BAM.

# Create BAM index
samtools index $counts_input_bam

For this step, we need to use the output of a previous step as input to this step. We refer the output of a step by with name of the step (STAR), a slash, and the name of the output parameter (alignment), e.g. STAR/alignment

This creates a dependency between steps. This means the samtools step will not run until the STAR step has completed successfully.

    run: bio-cwl-tools/samtools/samtools_index.cwl
      bam_sorted: STAR/alignment
    out: [bam_sorted_indexed]


# Count mapped reads
featureCounts -T $cores -s 2 -a $gtf -o $counts $counts_input_bam

As of this writing, the subread package that provides featureCounts is not available in bio-cwl-tools (and if it has been added since then, let’s pretend that it isn’t there.) We will go over how to write a CWL wrapper for a command line tool in lesson 4. For now, we will leave off the final step.

Workflow Outputs

The last thing to do is declare the workflow outputs in the outputs section.

For each output, we need to declare the type of output, and what parameter has the output value.

Output types are the same as input types, valid types include File, Directory, string, boolean, int, and float.

The outputSource field refers the a step output in the same way that the in block does, the name of the step, a slash, and the name of the output parameter.

For our final outputs, we want the results from fastqc and the aligned, sorted and indexed BAM file.

    type: File
    outputSource: fastqc/html_file
    type: File
    outputSource: samtools/bam_sorted_indexed

Episode solution

Key Points

  • CWL documents are written using a syntax called YAML.

  • The key components of the workflow are: the header, the inputs, the steps, and the outputs.