Install Keepproxy server

  1. Introduction
  2. Update config.yml
  3. Update nginx configuration
  4. Install keepproxy package
  5. Start the service
  6. Restart the API server and controller
  7. Confirm working installation


The Keepproxy server is a gateway into your Keep storage. Unlike the Keepstore servers, which are only accessible on the local LAN, Keepproxy is suitable for clients located elsewhere on the internet. Specifically, in contrast to Keepstore:

  • A client writing through Keepproxy sends a single copy of a data block, and Keepproxy distributes copies to the appropriate Keepstore servers.
  • A client can write through Keepproxy without precomputing content hashes.
  • Keepproxy checks API token validity before processing requests. (Clients that can connect directly to Keepstore can use it as scratch space even without a valid API token.)

By convention, we use the following hostname for the Keepproxy server:


This hostname should resolve from anywhere on the internet.

Update config.yml

Edit the cluster config at config.yml and set Services.Keepproxy.ExternalURL and Services.Keepproxy.InternalURLs.

          "http://localhost:25107": {}

Update Nginx configuration

Put a reverse proxy with SSL support in front of Keepproxy. Keepproxy itself runs on the port 25107 (or whatever is specified in Services.Keepproxy.InternalURL) while the reverse proxy runs on port 443 and forwards requests to Keepproxy.

Use a text editor to create a new file /etc/nginx/conf.d/keepproxy.conf with the following configuration. Options that need attention are marked in red.

upstream keepproxy {
  server      ;

server {
  listen                  443 ssl;
  server_name   ;

  proxy_connect_timeout   90s;
  proxy_read_timeout      300s;
  proxy_set_header        X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
  proxy_http_version      1.1;
  proxy_request_buffering off;
  proxy_max_temp_file_size 0;

  ssl_certificate     /YOUR/PATH/TO/cert.pem;
  ssl_certificate_key /YOUR/PATH/TO/cert.key;

  # Clients need to be able to upload blocks of data up to 64MiB in size.
  client_max_body_size    64m;

  location / {
    proxy_pass            http://keepproxy;

Note: if the Web uploader is failing to upload data and there are no logs from keepproxy, be sure to check the nginx proxy logs. In addition to “GET” and “PUT”, The nginx proxy must pass “OPTIONS” requests to keepproxy, which should respond with appropriate Cross-origin resource sharing headers. If the CORS headers are not present, brower security policy will cause the upload request to silently fail. The CORS headers are generated by keepproxy and should not be set in nginx.

Install keepproxy

Red Hat, AlmaLinux, and Rocky Linux

# dnf install keepproxy

Debian and Ubuntu

# apt install keepproxy

Start the service

# systemctl enable --now keepproxy
# systemctl status keepproxy

If systemctl status indicates it is not running, use journalctl to check logs for errors:

# journalctl -n12 --unit keepproxy

Restart the API server and controller

Make sure the cluster config file is up to date on the API server host then restart the API server and controller processes to ensure the configuration changes are visible to the whole cluster.

# systemctl restart nginx arvados-controller
# arvados-server check

Confirm working installation

We recommend using the Cluster diagnostics tool. Because Keepproxy is specifically a gateway used by outside clients, for this test you should run the diagnostics from a client machine outside the Arvados private network, and provide the -external-client parameter.

Here are some other checks you can perform manually.

Log into a host that is on a network external to your private Arvados network. The host should be able to contact your keepproxy server (eg, but not your keepstore servers (eg keep[0-9]

ARVADOS_API_HOST and ARVADOS_API_TOKEN must be set in the environment.

ARVADOS_API_HOST should be the hostname of the API server.

ARVADOS_API_TOKEN should be the system root token.

Install the Command line SDK

Check that the keepproxy server is in the keep_service “accessible” list:

$ arv keep_service accessible

If keepstore does not show up in the “accessible” list, and you are accessing it from within the private network, check that you have properly configured the geo block for the API server .

Install the Python SDK

You should now be able to use arv-put to upload collections and arv-get to fetch collections. Be sure to execute this from outside the cluster’s private network.

Liquid error: No such template ‘arv_put_example’

Previous: Configure Azure Blob storage Next: Install Keep-web server

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