Arvados in a VM with Vagrant

  1. Vagrant
  2. DNS configuration
  3. Initial user and login


You will need to check out the Arvados git repository to get the Salt scripts and Vagrant file. They can be found in the tools/salt-install directory.

A Vagrantfile is provided to install Arvados in a virtual machine on your computer using Vagrant.

To get it running, install Vagrant in your computer, edit the variables at the top of the script as needed, and run

vagrant up

If you want to reconfigure the running box, you can just:

1. edit the pillars to suit your needs
2. run

vagrant reload --provision

DNS configuration

After the setup is done, you need to set up your DNS to be able to access the cluster.

The simplest way to do this is to edit your /etc/hosts file (as root):

export CLUSTER="arva2"
export DOMAIN="arv.local"
export HOST_IP=""    # This is valid either if installing in your computer directly
                              # or in a Vagrant VM. If you're installing it on a remote host
                              # just change the IP to match that of the host.
echo "${HOST_IP} api keep keep0 collections download ws workbench workbench2 ${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN} api.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN} keep.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN} keep0.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN} collections.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN} download.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN} ws.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN} workbench.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN} workbench2.${CLUSTER}.${DOMAIN}" >> /etc/hosts

Initial user and login

At this point you should be able to log into the Arvados cluster.

If you didn’t change the defaults, the initial URL will be:

  • https://workbench.arva2.arv.local:8443

or, in general, the url format will be:

  • https://workbench.<cluster>.<domain>:8443

By default, the provision script creates an initial user for testing purposes. This user is configured as administrator of the newly created cluster.

Assuming you didn’t change the defaults, the initial credentials are:

  • User: ‘admin’
  • Password: ‘password’
  • Email: ‘admin@arva2.arv.local’

Previous: Salt prerequisites Next: Single host Arvados

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