Filesystem storage

Keepstore can store data in local and network-attached POSIX filesystems.

Setting up filesystem mounts

Volumes are configured in the Volumes section of the configuration file. You may provide multiple volumes for a single keepstore process to manage multiple disks. Keepstore distributes blocks among volumes in round-robin fashion.

- # The volume type, indicates this is a filesystem directory.
  Type: Directory

  # The directory that will be used as the backing store.
  Root: /mnt/local-disk

  # How much replication is performed by the underlying filesystem.
  # (for example, a network filesystem may provide its own replication).
  # This is used to inform replication decisions at the Keep layer.
  DirectoryReplication: 1

  # If true, do not accept write or trash operations, only reads.
  ReadOnly: false

  # When true, read and write operations (for whole 64MiB blocks) on
  # an individual volume will queued and issued serially.  When
  # false, read and write operations will be issued concurrently.
  # May improve throughput if you experience contention when there are
  # multiple requests to the same volume.
  # When using SSDs, RAID, or a parallel network filesystem, you probably
  # don't want this.
  Serialize: false

  # Storage classes to associate with this volume.  See "Storage
  # classes" in the "Admin" section of
  StorageClasses: null

  # Example of a second volume section
- DirectoryReplication: 2
  ReadOnly: false
  Root: /mnt/network-disk
  Serialize: false
  StorageClasses: null
  Type: Directory

Previous: Install Keepstore servers Next: Configure S3 object storage

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