
The arv CLI tool provide provides a convenient interface to manipulate API resources. Additionally, it provides access to a number of subcommands.


The arv command takes the following arguments:

Arvados command line client
Usage: arv [--flags] subcommand|resource [method] [--parameters]

Available flags:
  -n, --dry-run       Don't actually do anything
  -v, --verbose       Print some things on stderr
  -f, --format=<s>    Set the output format. Must be one of json (default),
                      yaml or uuid. (Default: json)
  -s, --short         Return only UUIDs (equivalent to --format=uuid)

Use 'arv subcommand|resource --help' to get more information about a particular
command or resource.

Available subcommands: copy, create, edit, keep, run, tag, ws

Available resources: api_client_authorization, api_client,
authorized_key, collection, container, container_request,
user_agreement, group, keep_service, link, log, user, virtual_machine,

Additional options:
  -e, --version       Print version and exit
  -h, --help          Show this message

Flags: --format

Output response as JSON. This is the default format.
Output response as YAML
Output only the UUIDs of object(s) in the API response, one per line.


See the arv reference page.


See the arv subcommands page.

Previous: Installation Next: arv reference

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