Package arvados :: Package commands :: Module get
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Source Code for Module arvados.commands.get

  1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
  2  # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. 
  3  # 
  4  # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 
  6  import argparse 
  7  import hashlib 
  8  import os 
  9  import re 
 10  import string 
 11  import sys 
 12  import logging 
 14  import arvados 
 15  import arvados.commands._util as arv_cmd 
 16  import arvados.util as util 
 18  from arvados._version import __version__ 
 20  api_client = None 
 21  logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.arv-get') 
 23  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( 
 24      description='Copy data from Keep to a local file or pipe.', 
 25      parents=[arv_cmd.retry_opt]) 
 26  parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', 
 27                      version="%s %s" % (sys.argv[0], __version__), 
 28                      help='Print version and exit.') 
 29  parser.add_argument('locator', type=str, 
 30                      help=""" 
 31  Collection locator, optionally with a file path or prefix. 
 32  """) 
 33  parser.add_argument('destination', type=str, nargs='?', default='-', 
 34                      help=""" 
 35  Local file or directory where the data is to be written. Default: stdout. 
 36  """) 
 37  group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() 
 38  group.add_argument('--progress', action='store_true', 
 39                     help=""" 
 40  Display human-readable progress on stderr (bytes and, if possible, 
 41  percentage of total data size). This is the default behavior when it 
 42  is not expected to interfere with the output: specifically, stderr is 
 43  a tty _and_ either stdout is not a tty, or output is being written to 
 44  named files rather than stdout. 
 45  """) 
 46  group.add_argument('--no-progress', action='store_true', 
 47                     help=""" 
 48  Do not display human-readable progress on stderr. 
 49  """) 
 50  group.add_argument('--batch-progress', action='store_true', 
 51                     help=""" 
 52  Display machine-readable progress on stderr (bytes and, if known, 
 53  total data size). 
 54  """) 
 55  group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() 
 56  group.add_argument('--hash', 
 57                      help=""" 
 58  Display the hash of each file as it is read from Keep, using the given 
 59  hash algorithm. Supported algorithms include md5, sha1, sha224, 
 60  sha256, sha384, and sha512. 
 61  """) 
 62  group.add_argument('--md5sum', action='store_const', 
 63                      dest='hash', const='md5', 
 64                      help=""" 
 65  Display the MD5 hash of each file as it is read from Keep. 
 66  """) 
 67  parser.add_argument('-n', action='store_true', 
 68                      help=""" 
 69  Do not write any data -- just read from Keep, and report md5sums if 
 70  requested. 
 71  """) 
 72  parser.add_argument('-r', action='store_true', 
 73                      help=""" 
 74  Retrieve all files in the specified collection/prefix. This is the 
 75  default behavior if the "locator" argument ends with a forward slash. 
 76  """) 
 77  group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() 
 78  group.add_argument('-f', action='store_true', 
 79                     help=""" 
 80  Overwrite existing files while writing. The default behavior is to 
 81  refuse to write *anything* if any of the output files already 
 82  exist. As a special case, -f is not needed to write to stdout. 
 83  """) 
 84  group.add_argument('-v', action='count', default=0, 
 85                      help=""" 
 86  Once for verbose mode, twice for debug mode. 
 87  """) 
 88  group.add_argument('--skip-existing', action='store_true', 
 89                     help=""" 
 90  Skip files that already exist. The default behavior is to refuse to 
 91  write *anything* if any files exist that would have to be 
 92  overwritten. This option causes even devices, sockets, and fifos to be 
 93  skipped. 
 94  """) 
 95  group.add_argument('--strip-manifest', action='store_true', default=False, 
 96                     help=""" 
 97  When getting a collection manifest, strip its access tokens before writing 
 98  it. 
 99  """) 
101 -def parse_arguments(arguments, stdout, stderr):
102 args = parser.parse_args(arguments) 103 104 if args.locator[-1] == os.sep: 105 args.r = True 106 if (args.r and 107 not args.n and 108 not (args.destination and 109 os.path.isdir(args.destination))): 110 parser.error('Destination is not a directory.') 111 if not args.r and (os.path.isdir(args.destination) or 112 args.destination[-1] == os.path.sep): 113 args.destination = os.path.join(args.destination, 114 os.path.basename(args.locator)) 115 logger.debug("Appended source file name to destination directory: %s", 116 args.destination) 117 118 if args.destination == '/dev/stdout': 119 args.destination = "-" 120 121 if args.destination == '-': 122 # Normally you have to use -f to write to a file (or device) that 123 # already exists, but "-" and "/dev/stdout" are common enough to 124 # merit a special exception. 125 args.f = True 126 else: 127 args.destination = args.destination.rstrip(os.sep) 128 129 # Turn on --progress by default if stderr is a tty and output is 130 # either going to a named file, or going (via stdout) to something 131 # that isn't a tty. 132 if (not (args.batch_progress or args.no_progress) 133 and stderr.isatty() 134 and (args.destination != '-' 135 or not stdout.isatty())): 136 args.progress = True 137 return args
139 -def main(arguments=None, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr):
140 global api_client 141 142 if stdout is sys.stdout and hasattr(stdout, 'buffer'): 143 # in Python 3, write to stdout as binary 144 stdout = stdout.buffer 145 146 args = parse_arguments(arguments, stdout, stderr) 147 logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING - 10 * args.v) 148 149 request_id = arvados.util.new_request_id() 150'X-Request-Id: '+request_id) 151 152 if api_client is None: 153 api_client = arvados.api('v1', request_id=request_id) 154 155 r ='^(.*?)(/.*)?$', args.locator) 156 col_loc = 157 get_prefix = 158 if args.r and not get_prefix: 159 get_prefix = os.sep 160 161 # User asked to download the collection's manifest 162 if not get_prefix: 163 if not args.n: 164 open_flags = os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY 165 if not args.f: 166 open_flags |= os.O_EXCL 167 try: 168 if args.destination == "-": 169 write_block_or_manifest( 170 dest=stdout, src=col_loc, 171 api_client=api_client, args=args) 172 else: 173 out_fd =, open_flags) 174 with os.fdopen(out_fd, 'wb') as out_file: 175 write_block_or_manifest( 176 dest=out_file, src=col_loc, 177 api_client=api_client, args=args) 178 except (IOError, OSError) as error: 179 logger.error("can't write to '{}': {}".format(args.destination, error)) 180 return 1 181 except (arvados.errors.ApiError, arvados.errors.KeepReadError) as error: 182 logger.error("failed to download '{}': {}".format(col_loc, error)) 183 return 1 184 except arvados.errors.ArgumentError as error: 185 if 'Argument to CollectionReader' in str(error): 186 logger.error("error reading collection: {}".format(error)) 187 return 1 188 else: 189 raise 190 return 0 191 192 try: 193 reader = arvados.CollectionReader( 194 col_loc, api_client=api_client, num_retries=args.retries) 195 except Exception as error: 196 logger.error("failed to read collection: {}".format(error)) 197 return 1 198 199 # Scan the collection. Make an array of (stream, file, local 200 # destination filename) tuples, and add up total size to extract. 201 todo = [] 202 todo_bytes = 0 203 try: 204 if get_prefix == os.sep: 205 item = reader 206 else: 207 item = reader.find('.' + get_prefix) 208 209 if isinstance(item, arvados.collection.Subcollection) or isinstance(item, arvados.collection.CollectionReader): 210 # If the user asked for a file and we got a subcollection, error out. 211 if get_prefix[-1] != os.sep: 212 logger.error("requested file '{}' is in fact a subcollection. Append a trailing '/' to download it.".format('.' + get_prefix)) 213 return 1 214 # If the user asked stdout as a destination, error out. 215 elif args.destination == '-': 216 logger.error("cannot use 'stdout' as destination when downloading multiple files.") 217 return 1 218 # User asked for a subcollection, and that's what was found. Add up total size 219 # to download. 220 for s, f in files_in_collection(item): 221 dest_path = os.path.join( 222 args.destination, 223 os.path.join(s.stream_name(),[len(get_prefix)+1:]) 224 if (not (args.n or args.f or args.skip_existing) and 225 os.path.exists(dest_path)): 226 logger.error('Local file %s already exists.' % (dest_path,)) 227 return 1 228 todo += [(s, f, dest_path)] 229 todo_bytes += f.size() 230 elif isinstance(item, arvados.arvfile.ArvadosFile): 231 todo += [(item.parent, item, args.destination)] 232 todo_bytes += item.size() 233 else: 234 logger.error("'{}' not found.".format('.' + get_prefix)) 235 return 1 236 except (IOError, arvados.errors.NotFoundError) as e: 237 logger.error(e) 238 return 1 239 240 out_bytes = 0 241 for s, f, outfilename in todo: 242 outfile = None 243 digestor = None 244 if not args.n: 245 if outfilename == "-": 246 outfile = stdout 247 else: 248 if args.skip_existing and os.path.exists(outfilename): 249 logger.debug('Local file %s exists. Skipping.', outfilename) 250 continue 251 elif not args.f and (os.path.isfile(outfilename) or 252 os.path.isdir(outfilename)): 253 # Good thing we looked again: apparently this file wasn't 254 # here yet when we checked earlier. 255 logger.error('Local file %s already exists.' % (outfilename,)) 256 return 1 257 if args.r: 258 arvados.util.mkdir_dash_p(os.path.dirname(outfilename)) 259 try: 260 outfile = open(outfilename, 'wb') 261 except Exception as error: 262 logger.error('Open(%s) failed: %s' % (outfilename, error)) 263 return 1 264 if args.hash: 265 digestor = 266 try: 267 with, 'rb') as file_reader: 268 for data in file_reader.readall(): 269 if outfile: 270 outfile.write(data) 271 if digestor: 272 digestor.update(data) 273 out_bytes += len(data) 274 if args.progress: 275 stderr.write('\r%d MiB / %d MiB %.1f%%' % 276 (out_bytes >> 20, 277 todo_bytes >> 20, 278 (100 279 if todo_bytes==0 280 else 100.0*out_bytes/todo_bytes))) 281 elif args.batch_progress: 282 stderr.write('%s %d read %d total\n' % 283 (sys.argv[0], os.getpid(), 284 out_bytes, todo_bytes)) 285 if digestor: 286 stderr.write("%s %s/%s\n" 287 % (digestor.hexdigest(), s.stream_name(), 288 except KeyboardInterrupt: 289 if outfile and (outfile.fileno() > 2) and not outfile.closed: 290 os.unlink( 291 break 292 finally: 293 if outfile != None and outfile != stdout: 294 outfile.close() 295 296 if args.progress: 297 stderr.write('\n') 298 return 0
300 -def files_in_collection(c):
301 # Sort first by file type, then alphabetically by file path. 302 for i in sorted(list(c.keys()), 303 key=lambda k: ( 304 isinstance(c[k], arvados.collection.Subcollection), 305 k.upper())): 306 if isinstance(c[i], arvados.arvfile.ArvadosFile): 307 yield (c, c[i]) 308 elif isinstance(c[i], arvados.collection.Subcollection): 309 for s, f in files_in_collection(c[i]): 310 yield (s, f)
312 -def write_block_or_manifest(dest, src, api_client, args):
313 if '+A' in src: 314 # block locator 315 kc = arvados.keep.KeepClient(api_client=api_client) 316 dest.write(kc.get(src, num_retries=args.retries)) 317 else: 318 # collection UUID or portable data hash 319 reader = arvados.CollectionReader( 320 src, api_client=api_client, num_retries=args.retries) 321 dest.write(reader.manifest_text(strip=args.strip_manifest).encode())