Package arvados :: Package commands :: Module arv_copy
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Module arv_copy

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Classes [hide private]
Functions [hide private]
main() source code
set_src_owner_uuid(resource, uuid, args) source code
api_for_instance(instance_name) source code
check_git_availability() source code
copy_pipeline_instance(pi_uuid, src, dst, args) source code
Iterate a filter string-or-list.
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migrate_repository_filter(repo_filter, src_repository, dst_repository)
Update a single repository filter in-place for the destination.
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Update a single script_version filter in-place for the destination.
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attr_filtered(filter_, *attr_names)
Return True if filter_ applies to any of attr_names, else False.
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exception_handler(handler, *exc_types)
If any exc_types are raised in the block, call handler on the exception.
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migrate_components_filters(template_components, dst_git_repo)
Update template component filters in-place for the destination.
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copy_pipeline_template(pt_uuid, src, dst, args) source code
copy_workflow(wf_uuid, src, dst, args) source code
workflow_collections(obj, locations, docker_images) source code
copy_collections(obj, src, dst, args) source code
migrate_jobspec(jobspec, src, dst, dst_repo, args)
Copy a job's script to the destination repository, and update its record.
source code
copy_git_repos(p, src, dst, dst_repo, args) source code
Return the total number of bytes in this collection (excluding duplicate blocks).
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create_collection_from(c, src, dst, args)
Create a new collection record on dst, and copy Docker metadata if available.
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copy_collection(obj_uuid, src, dst, args) source code
select_git_url(api, repo_name, retries, allow_insecure_http, allow_insecure_http_opt) source code
copy_git_repo(src_git_repo, src, dst, dst_git_repo, script_version, args) source code
copy_docker_images(pipeline, src, dst, args)
Copy any docker images named in the pipeline components' runtime_constraints field from src to dst.
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copy_docker_image(docker_image, docker_image_tag, src, dst, args)
Copy the docker image identified by docker_image and docker_image_tag from src to dst.
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git_rev_parse(rev, repo) source code
uuid_type(api, object_uuid) source code
abort(msg, code=1) source code
machine_progress(obj_uuid, bytes_written, bytes_expected) source code
human_progress(obj_uuid, bytes_written, bytes_expected) source code
Variables [hide private]
  COMMIT_HASH_RE = re.compile(r'^[0-9a-f]{1,40}$')
  logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.arv-copy')
  local_repo_dir = {}
  collections_copied = {}
  scripts_copied = set()
  src_owner_uuid = None
Function Details [hide private]


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Iterate a filter string-or-list.

Pass in a filter field that can either be a string or list. This will iterate elements as if the field had been written as a list.

migrate_repository_filter(repo_filter, src_repository, dst_repository)

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Update a single repository filter in-place for the destination.

If the filter checks that the repository is src_repository, it is updated to check that the repository is dst_repository. If it does anything else, this function raises ValueError.


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Update a single script_version filter in-place for the destination.

Currently this function checks that all the filter operands are Git commit hashes. If they're not, it raises ValueError to indicate that the filter is not portable. It could be extended to make other transformations in the future.

exception_handler(handler, *exc_types)

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If any exc_types are raised in the block, call handler on the exception.

  • @contextlib.contextmanager

migrate_components_filters(template_components, dst_git_repo)

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Update template component filters in-place for the destination.

template_components is a dictionary of components in a pipeline template. This method walks over each component's filters, and updates them to have identical semantics on the destination cluster. It returns a list of error strings that describe what filters could not be updated safely.

dst_git_repo is the name of the destination Git repository, which can be None if that is not known.

migrate_jobspec(jobspec, src, dst, dst_repo, args)

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Copy a job's script to the destination repository, and update its record.

Given a jobspec dictionary, this function finds the referenced script from src and copies it to dst and dst_repo. It also updates jobspec in place to refer to names on the destination.

copy_docker_image(docker_image, docker_image_tag, src, dst, args)

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Copy the docker image identified by docker_image and docker_image_tag from src to dst. Create appropriate docker_image_repo+tag and docker_image_hash links at dst.