Package arvados :: Module collection :: Class RichCollectionBase
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Class RichCollectionBase

source code

builtins.object --+    
     CollectionBase --+

Base class for Collections and Subcollections.

Implements the majority of functionality relating to accessing items in the Collection.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, parent=None) source code
_my_api(self) source code
_my_keep(self) source code
_my_block_manager(self) source code
writable(self) source code
root_collection(self) source code
stream_name(self) source code
find_or_create(self, path, create_type)
Recursively search the specified file path.
source code
find(self, path)
Recursively search the specified file path.
source code
mkdirs(self, path)
Recursive subcollection create.
source code
open(self, path, mode="r")
Open a file-like object for access.
source code
Determine if the collection has been modified since last commited.
source code
Determine if the collection has been committed to the API server.
source code
set_committed(self, value=True)
Recursively set committed flag.
source code
Iterate over names of files and collections contained in this collection.
source code
__getitem__(self, k)
Get a file or collection that is directly contained by this collection.
source code
__contains__(self, k)
Test if there is a file or collection a directly contained by this collection.
source code
Get the number of items directly contained in this collection.
source code
__delitem__(self, p)
Delete an item by name which is directly contained by this collection.
source code
Get a list of names of files and collections directly contained in this collection.
source code
Get a list of files and collection objects directly contained in this collection.
source code
Get a list of (name, object) tuples directly contained in this collection.
source code
exists(self, path)
Test if there is a file or collection at `path`.
source code
remove(self, path, recursive=False)
Remove the file or subcollection (directory) at `path`.
source code
_clonefrom(self, source) source code
clone(self) source code
add(self, source_obj, target_name, overwrite=False, reparent=False)
Copy or move a file or subcollection to this collection.
source code
_get_src_target(self, source, target_path, source_collection, create_dest) source code
copy(self, source, target_path, source_collection=None, overwrite=False)
Copy a file or subcollection to a new path in this collection.
source code
rename(self, source, target_path, source_collection=None, overwrite=False)
Move a file or subcollection from `source_collection` to a new path in this collection.
source code
portable_manifest_text(self, stream_name=".")
Get the manifest text for this collection, sub collections and files.
source code
manifest_text(self, stream_name=".", strip=False, normalize=False, only_committed=False)
Get the manifest text for this collection, sub collections and files.
source code
_get_manifest_text(self, stream_name, strip, normalize, only_committed=False)
Get the manifest text for this collection, sub collections and files.
source code
diff(self, end_collection, prefix=".", holding_collection=None)
Generate list of add/modify/delete actions.
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apply(self, changes)
Apply changes from `diff`.
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Get the portable data hash for this collection's manifest.
source code
subscribe(self, callback) source code
unsubscribe(self) source code
notify(self, event, collection, name, item) source code
__eq__(self, other) source code
__ne__(self, other) source code
Flush bufferblocks to Keep.
source code

Inherited from CollectionBase: __enter__, __exit__, stripped_manifest

Method Details [hide private]


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Overrides: CollectionBase._my_keep

find_or_create(self, path, create_type)

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Recursively search the specified file path.

May return either a `Collection` or `ArvadosFile`.  If not found, will
create a new item at the specified path based on `create_type`.  Will
create intermediate subcollections needed to contain the final item in
the path.

  One of `arvados.collection.FILE` or
  `arvados.collection.COLLECTION`.  If the path is not found, and value
  of create_type is FILE then create and return a new ArvadosFile for
  the last path component.  If COLLECTION, then create and return a new
  Collection for the last path component.

  • @must_be_writable
  • @synchronized

find(self, path)

source code 

Recursively search the specified file path.

May return either a Collection or ArvadosFile. Return None if not found. If path is invalid (ex: starts with '/'), an IOError exception will be raised.

  • @synchronized

mkdirs(self, path)

source code 

Recursive subcollection create.

Like `os.makedirs()`. Will create intermediate subcollections needed to contain the leaf subcollection path.

  • @synchronized

open(self, path, mode="r")

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Open a file-like object for access.

  path to a file in the collection
  a string consisting of "r", "w", or "a", optionally followed
  by "b" or "t", optionally followed by "+".
    binary mode: write() accepts bytes, read() returns bytes.
    text mode (default): write() accepts strings, read() returns strings.
    opens for reading
    opens for reading and writing.  Reads/writes share a file pointer.
  :"w", "w+":
    truncates to 0 and opens for reading and writing.  Reads/writes share a file pointer.
  :"a", "a+":
    opens for reading and writing.  All writes are appended to
    the end of the file.  Writing does not affect the file pointer for


source code 

Determine if the collection has been committed to the API server.

  • @synchronized

set_committed(self, value=True)

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Recursively set committed flag.

If value is True, set committed to be True for this and all children.

If value is False, set committed to be False for this and all parents.

  • @synchronized


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Iterate over names of files and collections contained in this collection.

  • @synchronized

__getitem__(self, k)
(Indexing operator)

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Get a file or collection that is directly contained by this collection.

If you want to search a path, use `find()` instead.

  • @synchronized

__contains__(self, k)
(In operator)

source code 

Test if there is a file or collection a directly contained by this collection.

  • @synchronized

(Length operator)

source code 

Get the number of items directly contained in this collection.

  • @synchronized

__delitem__(self, p)
(Index deletion operator)

source code 

Delete an item by name which is directly contained by this collection.

  • @must_be_writable
  • @synchronized


source code 

Get a list of names of files and collections directly contained in this collection.

  • @synchronized


source code 

Get a list of files and collection objects directly contained in this collection.

  • @synchronized


source code 

Get a list of (name, object) tuples directly contained in this collection.

  • @synchronized

remove(self, path, recursive=False)

source code 
Remove the file or subcollection (directory) at `path`.

  Specify whether to remove non-empty subcollections (True), or raise an error (False).

  • @must_be_writable
  • @synchronized

add(self, source_obj, target_name, overwrite=False, reparent=False)

source code 
Copy or move a file or subcollection to this collection.

  An ArvadosFile, or Subcollection object

  Destination item name.  If the target name already exists and is a
  file, this will raise an error unless you specify `overwrite=True`.

  Whether to overwrite target file if it already exists.

  If True, source_obj will be moved from its parent collection to this collection.
  If False, source_obj will be copied and the parent collection will be

  • @must_be_writable
  • @synchronized

copy(self, source, target_path, source_collection=None, overwrite=False)

source code 
Copy a file or subcollection to a new path in this collection.

  A string with a path to source file or subcollection, or an actual ArvadosFile or Subcollection object.

  Destination file or path.  If the target path already exists and is a
  subcollection, the item will be placed inside the subcollection.  If
  the target path already exists and is a file, this will raise an error
  unless you specify `overwrite=True`.

  Collection to copy `source_path` from (default `self`)

  Whether to overwrite target file if it already exists.

  • @must_be_writable
  • @synchronized

rename(self, source, target_path, source_collection=None, overwrite=False)

source code 
Move a file or subcollection from `source_collection` to a new path in this collection.

  A string with a path to source file or subcollection.

  Destination file or path.  If the target path already exists and is a
  subcollection, the item will be placed inside the subcollection.  If
  the target path already exists and is a file, this will raise an error
  unless you specify `overwrite=True`.

  Collection to copy `source_path` from (default `self`)

  Whether to overwrite target file if it already exists.

  • @must_be_writable
  • @synchronized

portable_manifest_text(self, stream_name=".")

source code 
Get the manifest text for this collection, sub collections and files.

This method does not flush outstanding blocks to Keep.  It will return
a normalized manifest with access tokens stripped.

  Name to use for this stream (directory)

manifest_text(self, stream_name=".", strip=False, normalize=False, only_committed=False)

source code 
Get the manifest text for this collection, sub collections and files.

This method will flush outstanding blocks to Keep.  By default, it will
not normalize an unmodified manifest or strip access tokens.

  Name to use for this stream (directory)

  If True, remove signing tokens from block locators if present.
  If False (default), block locators are left unchanged.

  If True, always export the manifest text in normalized form
  even if the Collection is not modified.  If False (default) and the collection
  is not modified, return the original manifest text even if it is not
  in normalized form.

  If True, don't commit pending blocks.

  • @synchronized

_get_manifest_text(self, stream_name, strip, normalize, only_committed=False)

source code 
Get the manifest text for this collection, sub collections and files.

  Name to use for this stream (directory)

  If True, remove signing tokens from block locators if present.
  If False (default), block locators are left unchanged.

  If True, always export the manifest text in normalized form
  even if the Collection is not modified.  If False (default) and the collection
  is not modified, return the original manifest text even if it is not
  in normalized form.

  If True, only include blocks that were already committed to Keep.

  • @synchronized

diff(self, end_collection, prefix=".", holding_collection=None)

source code 

Generate list of add/modify/delete actions.

When given to `apply`, will change `self` to match `end_collection`

  • @synchronized

apply(self, changes)

source code 

Apply changes from `diff`.

If a change conflicts with a local change, it will be saved to an alternate path indicating the conflict.

  • @must_be_writable
  • @synchronized

subscribe(self, callback)

source code 
  • @synchronized


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  • @synchronized

notify(self, event, collection, name, item)

source code 
  • @synchronized

__eq__(self, other)
(Equality operator)

source code 
  • @synchronized


source code 

Flush bufferblocks to Keep.

  • @synchronized